Dear Members & Potential members,
My name is Mike Costa. I am an LTA qualified/accredited Level 4 tennis coach. As your club coach I am interested in hearing from you if you would like to start learning how to play tennis or improve your game, whatever your level. You will find below a range of different tennis sessions my coaching team and I run across the year. Hopefully by participating in some of our junior or adult coaching programmes, having some individual or small group lessons or taking part in one our social tennis events you will enjoy developing your game and want to spend a few more hours on court practising and having fun! Rest assured of a warm welcome!
Rusper Sports Club Tennis Coach
Head Coach at The Holbrook Club in Horsham
Tennis Coach – Collyers Sixth-Form Sports Academy, Horsham
We are able to provide coaching sessions at the following times:
At Rusper Sports Club:
- Individual or paired lessons now in the mornings, afternoons or evenings after work.
- After school group lessons for children
- Bespoke individual or lessons for a family on private courts in local Rusper area.
- Beginner welcome – rackets provided.
Players from Rusper Club/Holbrook Club and Collyers Tennis coming together:
- Weekly Rusty Rackets sessions for adults – courses of 7 lessons 7 – 8pm Tuesdays (on 3 floodlit courts at Collyers (winter) & on 3 courts at Holbrook (spring/summer)
- Matchplayer coaching session for adults & senior juniors Fridays 7 – 8pm (Collyers courts)
- Spaces available in popular and well established LTA junior development programme for juniors aged between 5 &18. Saturdays at Holbrook Sports Club (in North Horsham – 10 mins away from Rusper Sports Club
- School Holiday Tennis Coaching Courses at The Holbrook Club (including half-term holidays)
Coaching Lessons prices: Individual Lessons – £17.50 for 30 minute lesson.
***** Junior Development Programme group sessions costs from £7.95 per player.
Please email me or contact me on my mobile 07944 775262. Alternatively ring the tennis office on 01403 272106, leave your message on the answerphone and I will ring you back.